With Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian
France – SS Norway
Blue Lady
Page Three - Interiors
taken on the Blue Lady late 2006
July 2007

A sad and lonely
looking SS Norway, ex France
received a CD containing 154 photographs taken by a dear friend of mine whilst
he boarded SS Blue Lady late 2006 and I have placed those online I found to be
significant. This special photo album is spread over three pages. I am sure
each page will sadden us all for it is hard to see this once magnificent liner
in this tragic state. All images were originally in 3072 X 2304 pixels, but I
have reduced them to 550 X 413 pixels in order not to overload these pages. In
addition, as conditions on board were far from ideal I had to adjusted many in
order to try and make them as clear as it is possible, although not always
totally successful, but I have included some anyway as they need to be seen!
know that NCL removed many valuable items from the Norway
whilst she was in Bremerhaven,
but now many items have been stacked up on Promenade Deck ready to be taken off
the ship as soon as she receives clearance. Cabins have been plundered and are
in a mess as the photographs attest to. Although nothing has (officially) been removed from the ship to
date as the court forbids removal at this time. I am sure Mr. Metha of Priya
Blue is awaiting the outcome of the court and is ready to remove all items
which have already been purchased on the basis if permission is granted to
break here up. However, I have been told by my source that certain
items may have met a magician since his last visit to the ship, if we get the
marked otherwise, all photographs on these three pages are © copyright
2006/2007 and owned by Reuben Goossens of These photographs are
NOT to be copied or reproduced, be it for personal or any media source.
However, upon request I may be able to give permission
for a specific photo. Use email address at bottom of page.
PS: Since the above I have received further photographs taken on the ship
in 2007. I have included some of these on these three pages. Again, the
photographer is very sensitive and wishes to keep his identity confidential and
has given me full ownership and copyright over these photographs.
the ship is now well on the way to being broken up and we say Au Revoir SS France, SS Norway!
Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian
Founder of Save a Classic Liner Campaign

Looking aft along the Lifeboats

Her pool and aft decks
are now deserted

Passage to accommodations

One of the many substantial suites

Cabins, staterooms and suites have been
turned upside down just to find items of value to sell

Main entrance to the Windward Restaurant

Above and Below: A range of murals are found
in the Restaurants and lounges
It needs to be noted that
NCL/Star Cruises removed the original murals for the Restaurants and replaced
them with identical copies
Thus, those offered on sale
online are NOT genuine!

A copy of the original mural

I believe the above is an original

The Galley: This used to be a hive of
activity turning over thousands of meals per day

Above and Below: Leeward Restaurant

Starboard Main Turbine control panel

Using a little clever battery operated
lighting we see a rare sight the starboard propeller shaft

A sad feeling came over me as I was ready to
leave this magnificent liner. Will I ever see her again?

Her proud funnels stand tall

She was given the name Blue Lady,
symbolically a name of death and destruction
For us she will always be the great SS Norway
& SS France!
photographs on this page are © copyright 2007 Reuben Goossens of or as marked - they may NOT
be copied and/or reproduced by any means, be it for personal or any other
media. However, upon request, where possible, I may give permission
to use the requested photograph/s.
Go to Alang photo pages: One
& Two
France – Norway
Page One … SS France
Two … SS
Three … SS
Norway – Blue Lady
Page Four … Norway Deck Plan
Photo … QE2 passes the Norway
… Photographer
Don Tremain presents his experience and four photographs
Photo … Norway in Bremerhaven
Photo … Norway Departs Bremerhaven 23 May 2005
Photo … A series of
photographs of SS Blue Lady in Alang
Article … “Surreal times
on the SS France” by Patrick Jackson
Article … “Chic ship too toxic for scrapping” by
Justin Huggler
trust you have enjoyed reading this page on this fine and much loved passenger
liner. If you have sailed on her I would like to hear from you, and if you have
any photographs I would greatly appreciate some, especially those of the
interiors and out on deck. Email Me!
Use the Back button on your browser or Close
the Page to return to the previous page
or go to our INDEX
Who is the
Author of ssMaritime?
in the Passenger Shipping Industry in May 1960
Contact me via

PLEASE NOTE: I receive
hundreds of requests for Passenger/Crew Lists and Sailing Schedules. I hereby
wish to advise that I am unable to assist due to time
restrains and as most shipping companies have long gone these lists/schedules
are no longer available. I regret to advise that any request for these will no
longer be answered regardless of the circumstances presented! &
the ships of the past make history &
the 1914 built MV Doulos Story
Also visit my …
“Save The Classic Liners
Campaign” & “Classic Ocean Voyages” pages
Photographs on
ssmaritime and associate pages are: 1. By the author.
2. From the author’s private collection. 3. As provided by Shipping
Companies and private photographers or collectors. Credit is given to all
contributors. However, there are photographs provided to me without details
provided regarding the photographer concerned. I hereby invite if owners of
these images would be so kind to make them-selves known to me, that due credit
may be given. I know what it is like, I have seen a multitude of my own
photographs on other sites, yet they either refuse to give me
credit and even refuse to remove them, knowing full well that there is
no legal comeback when it comes to the net. However, let us show the charlatans
up and do the right thing at all times and give credit where credit is due!
Note: I
do not credit those who send me photos as they are not the owners of the photographs
concerned, unless the image is part of their private collection.
This notice covers all
pages, although, I have done my best to ensure that all photographs are duly
credited and that this notice is displaced on each page, that is, when a page is
ssMaritime is
owned and © Copyright 2010 - by Reuben Goossens - All Rights Reserved

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