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Voyage Brochure, Deck Plan & APCs Bankruptcy
This page contains three special items; 1.
The maiden voyage brochure. 2. The rebuilt ships deck plan, from
the back page of the brochure. And 3. A few details n regard to
Aloha Pacific Cruises downfall!
The brochure presented is extremely rare and I
have one of just the very few surviving copies left in the world,
and I am pleased to present it to you here! The only page I did
not scan was the fare page, but I am sure that you will find the
description of the itinerary most interesting!
Please Note: The brochure is from
the Authors private collection, however I originally
purchased it from
one of the finest maritime memorabilia sites and at favorable
prices! I have dealt with this excellent dealer for many years
and have come to know its owner Mr. Don Leavitt who is will me
happy to send you a update of the latest items of
passenger/cruise ships items availabe. You van contact him at

menu hails from the evening after a day in Norfolk and a day tour
to Williamsburg
there is the actual dinner menu and then the back cover of the

Monterey Deck Plan

no explanation, but this napkin survives the Aloha Pacific
Cruises days!
mentioned, all items are from the authors private
Bankruptcy Details in Short!
I will first place below the concluding remarks
of the extensive FDA report as found on the previous page
covering the details of Aloha Pacific Cruises and the rebuilding
of SS Monterey. This statement will set the scene for the
newspaper reports that I will present below.
On July 20, 1989, the U.S. attorney's
office filed a motion for default judgment against Aloha Pacific
Cruises, Inc., Kurtz, Mathiesen and Jennings, based on the
original injunction complaint to keep them from serving food
until the sanitation violations were corrected. The court entered
the default that same day, but, as of this writing, has not
imposed a permanent injunction as requested by the government.
A footnote to this sea saga is the question:
What is to be the fate of the Monterey, which has lain idle in Honolulu
Harbour since May 1989? According to an article in The Honolulu
Advertiser, federal Judge Samuel King last November granted a
motion to auction off the luxury liner, despite a protest by its
bankrupt owner, the SS Monterey Limited Partnership. Judge King,
noting the $30,000 to $40,000 needed to maintain the ship each
week, judged the vessel too valuable to let deteriorate while
several major legal issues surrounding it were settled.
If the vessel sails again in U.S.-flag service,
FDA Interstate Travel Sanitation specialists will re-inspect it
to protect the health of interstate travellers. As of this
writing, no successful bidder had appeared, and the ship was tied
up in Honolulu.
Next I will add several Newspaper reports that
will provide two very different views regarding the situation on
APCs bankruptcy and the situation that followed, for
obviously it had an ongoing effect on the people who had already
booked on the Monterey and paid deposits, etc!
Pacific Cruises make and attempt to avoid bankruptcy:
Aloha Pacific Cruises File for Chapter 11.
February 13, 1989: From the Washington Post.
WASHINGTON - Aloha Pacific Cruises, a tour
company based in Virginia that operates the liner SS Monterey
between California and Hawaii, will file for protection from its
creditors after efforts to keep the company afloat failed.
Aloha's chief operating officer, John Broughan
said the company would seek protection under Chapter 11 of the
U.S. Bankruptcy Code because of severe cash shortages and
because efforts to obtain additional financing were
Cruise Ship Anchored By
August 20, 1989: From the Chicago
After seeing an advertisement for the
S.S. Monterey in January, my wife and I decided to take a cruise
for our 30th wedding anniversary, wrote a Chicago
suburbanite. In February we learned that Aloha Pacific
Cruises (the ships operator) filed for bankruptcy. Since
that time we have tried to contact someone at Aloha Pacific, but
the phones were disconnected. Now that we waited this long
(without hearing), we decided to sign up for another cruise.
Because Aloha Pacific has not provided any information to its
customers, we had to make other arrangements.
The writers were among hundreds of people who
were looking forward to a Hawaii cruise on the refurbished
33-year-old ship, once the pride of the venerable Matson Line.
Now they want their money back to pay for their alternative
The couple, who asked us for anonymity, booked
their cruise through the Park Ridge Travel Bureau, in that north
suburb. They paid a deposit of $1,158 toward their seven-day
cruise, which was to cost $4,494 for an inside double cabin,
including air fares and transfers.
The Park Ridge Travel Bureau said that, after
learning of Aloha Pacifics bankruptcy petition, it was
unable to reach the firm at its Alexandria, Va., office, and
subsequently learned the cruise line had moved to Burlingame, Calif.
Gert Fox, the couples travel consultant, said
she called the California sales office about a month ago and left
a message on a recording machine, but never received a return
call. Aloha Pacific phones in both Alexandria and Burlingame now
are disconnected.
We wanted to put this couple on something
special for their anniversary, and this is what happened to
them, said Fox.
The Monterey case now is mired in a tangle of
legal suits, and it is anyones guess if or when refunds
will be forthcoming.
Last month the principals of Aloha Pacific,
S.S. Monterey Ltd. Partnership, filed a $135 million damage suit
in U.S. District Court in Washington against Wartsila Marine
Industries, the Finnish shipbuilder that was contracted to
overhaul and refurbish the old ship. A similar suit also was
filed in Honolulu by the International Organization of Masters,
Mates & Pilots, a minority owner of the ship. Both suits
charge the shipbuilder with fraud, alleging that it failed to do
certain things agreed upon in the contract to refurbish the ship.
In April, a plan to attract new investors and
to reorganize the lines $50 million debt under the provisions of
Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act fell through. Chapter 11
also protects the firm from its creditors. A Honolulu court
subsequently permitted Wartsila and its U.S. representative, the
Connecticut Bank & Trust Co., to foreclose on the ship.
The 600-passenger vessel then was seized by U.S.
marshals in Honolulu, where it remains anchored. The owners asked
the court to stop Wartsila from auctioning off the vessel
following the foreclosure.
S.S. Monterey also was sued by American Hawaii
Cruises, a competitor, who asked that the Monterey be stripped of
its American flag status because excessive work was done in a
foreign shipyard.
Monterey Heads for a New Life:
As a footnote to this ocean going saga the
question is, what was the fate of the Monterey, a ship that had
laid idle in Honolulu Harbour since May 1989 because she never
measured up to FDA hygiene and safety standards? Eventually
federal the Hon. Judge Samuel King in November 1989 granted a
motion to auction off the luxury ship, despite a protest by its
bankrupt owner, the SS Monterey Limited Partnership. Judge King,
noted that at least US$30,000 to $40,000 was needed to maintain
the ship each week, and judging the ship too valuable to allow
her to deteriorate whilst several major legal issues surrounding
it were being settled, she was placed on the market.
After her disastrous time with Aloha Pacific,
she was first sold to Coral Cruises but she was
resold to Naviera Panocean of Panama. However, thankfully
she quickly found a new home with the excellent Star Lauro,
previously known as Flotta Lauro Lines. A little later the
company became MSC or Mediterranean Shipping Cruises and the SS
Monterey became a huge success through to 2006.
However the SS Montereys story with Star
Lauro and then with MSC will follow on the next four pages!

we see a Star Lauro postcard of the SS Monterey
from the Authors private collections

MSC Cruises SS Monterey seen at anchor off Santorini
by & © Johan Coeman
Page One
SS Monterey & Mariposa, the Matson Lines / Pacific Far East
Line (PFEL) Liners.
Page Two
Matson / PFEL Photo Album.
Page Three
Matson / PFEL Cabin Plan.
APC Cruises
Aloha Pacific Cruises Monterey 1987 to 1988.
Cruises 2
SS Monterey maiden voyage
brochure, Deck Plan of the rebuilt ship & details re the
companies end!
Page Four
Monterey as a Star Lauro / MSC Cruises cruise ship.
Page Five
Monterey - MSC- photographs from various sources.
Page Six
Monterey - MSC - an excellent series of photographs by Johan Coeman.
Page Seven
Monterey - MSC - Cabin Plan.
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in the Passenger Shipping Industry in May 1960 &
the ships of the past make history & the 1914 built MV Doulos
visit my
Save The
Classic Liners Campaign
on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from the
authors private collection. In addition
there are some images that have been provided by Shipping
Companies and private photographers or collectors. Credit is
given to all contributors. However, there are some photographs
provided to me without details regarding the photographer/owner
concerned. I hereby invite if owners of these images would be so
kind to make them-selves known to me (my email address may be
found on
only), in order that due credit may be given.
notice covers all pages, although, and I have done my best to
ensure that all photographs are duly credited and that this
notice is displaced on each page, that is, when a page is
is owned and © Copyright by Reuben Goossens - All Rights