brave Dutch Shell Tanker, the MS Ondina who fought Japanese
warships off West Coast of Australia and won!
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Reuben Goossens
Historian, Author, Lecturer & CruisenShip
Please Note: All ssmaritime and my
other related ssmaritime sites are 100% non-commercial and
privately owned sites. Be assured that I am NOT associated with
any cruise or shipping companies or travel/cruise agencies or any
other organisations! The author has been in the passenger
shipping industry for over 60 years, but is now retired, but
hopes that you will enjoy the articles on many classic liners and
cruise ships that have been covered, all done for past passengers
and classic ship enthusiasts to relive those wonderful days gone
Dutch Shell Tanker
MS Ondina Story
WWII encounter off the Western Australian Coast

postcard of the Royal Dutch Shell tanker MS Ondina released just
after she was completed
the Authors private collection
This story came about due to the MS Ondina
ships bell came into my hands years ago, all the way from the United
States. As this page obviously makes very clear, although this
ship was certainly not a passenger ship, but this bell did come
from a very special and what has become an historic ship indeed
with a very special war history, one that is both significant to
the land of my residence and nationality Australia,
as well as the land of my birth The Netherlands.

ships bell
The Ondina
bell is the property of the author, this image is © copyright
Reuben Goossens
This wonderful bell, being a great piece of
history, as you will discover as you read this page, is either is
displayed at my own small museum at my home, or it is loaned out
to be displayed at any Maritime Museum in Australia as requested.
But let us get to the story of the amazing MS Ondina!
As I commence, the details of this amazing
story has in part sourced from several sources, but it has been
extensively rewritten in my own words. And as my readers will
know, my specialty lies mainly with Passengers Liners; however,
you will find that this amazing tale will make for interesting
reading indeed!

Ondina looking her best during peacetime
the Shell Collection
MS Ondina was built by the Netherlands Dry-dock
Company in Amsterdam. She was officially named and launched on
April 29, 1939. Upon completion in 1940 she was managed by one of
the group of Shell companies, La Corona, however,
with the outbreak of World War II MS Ondina was temporally laid
up in Curacao.

Ondina seen laid up in Curacao
Ondina Specifications - Imo Nr 5613986
Nederlandse Dok
& Scheepsbouw Mij, Amsterdam Construction
Nr 71
130,49 x
16,62 x 6,40 m |
August 1, 1939 |
1 x 102 mm
some MG |
Werkspoor 6-cyl 4-stroke diesel |
2,800 hp |
12 knots |
Activities in the Indian Ocean:
In late 1942, enemy activities in the Indian
Ocean had virtually come to an end. The German raiders, once
disrupting the shipping lines in these waters had all (with the
exception of a few) been destroyed by the Royal Navy or had begun
the long way home to the homeland in Europe. The Japanese were
strategically not interested in sinking merchants, and had done
little to sink them since their successful sortie to Ceylon in
April 1942. But unknown to the allies, the Japanese Navy had
decided to keep the pressure on the shipping lanes, mostly
because of their ever growing importance in the war. Large and
valuable tankers maintained a continuous stream of oil and other
products from the Middle East to Australia and surrounding
islands. The continuous pleas by the Germans will undoubtedly
have had a large influence on this decision, as the Japanese were
afraid the Germans would send more of their successful disguised
raiders to the Indian Ocean, which the first considered
"their backyard". The bond between the Japanese and
Germans never grew as strong as the one between the Allied
forces, and they distrusted each other from the very start of
their alliance. To satisfy the Germans, the staff of the Imperial
Japanese Navy decided to send their own raiders to these waters.
Although raider warfare was not entirely strange to them, they
could not build on the vast amount of experience as the Germans
did, and as a result, their ships were far less effective.
The Key Players:
In 1940, two passenger cargo ships of the Osaka
Shipping Line were requisitioned for conversion to Armed Merchant
Cruisers, in anticipation of the likely thrust southward by the
Japanese. The Aikoku Maru and Hokoku Maru, under construction for
the route between Japan and South America, started their rebuilds
in 1941, and by the time they were commissioned, they were armed
to the teeth. Their specifications were as listed below:
With their heavy armament, they could overpower
any smaller combatant or merchant, and their speed enabled them
(in combination with their floatplanes) to search large areas of
ocean. In service, they were organized with Kiyozumi Maru in the
24th Special Cruiser Squadron under Rear-Admiral Moriyoshi
Takeda. Even though these ships were slightly more powerful than
their German counterparts, they were less effective for several
reasons. First, the Japanese had little experience in operating
surface raiders, and it seemed to them that letting these ships
operate in a pair reduced the risk of losing them. Second, the
ships spent far less days at sea. They had played a modest role
since December 1941, and their first contribution to the war
effort came when they overpowered the American freighter Vincent
on December 12 1941, soon followed by the Malama. Their last
operation was by far the most successful: they acted as supply
ships for the Japanese submarines operating in Mozambique Channel.
These I-boats sank over 100.000 tons of shipping, and the Hokoku Maru
and Aikoku Maru added additional ships to that score. With these
successes, they had sunk or captured 5 merchant
ships within a year, totalling 31.303 tons. They left Singapore
on November 5 on their fourth sortie, under overall command of Captain Imazato Hiroshi.
The Ondina:
The Ondina was a modern tanker built for one of
the shipping companies of Shell, La Corona. She was new,
relatively fast and for contemporary standards not to lightly
armed, with a 4 inch gun on her stern and several machine guns
for AA-use. Under Captain W. Horsman, she was now deployed on a
line between Fremantle in Australia and Abadan on the oil-rich
shores of the Persian Gulf. On her journey to Abadan, she would
be escorted and under the protection of the 650-ton corvette HMIS
Bengal, which was under the command of Lt. Cdr. W.J. Wilson, RNR.
The vessel was one of the Royal Australian Navy-type Bathurst
Class corvettes and she and her three sister ships had all been
allocated temporarily to the Indian Navy, but with an Australian
crew. She only had one 3-inch gun instead the 4-inch gun that was
not available at the time, which made her firepower certainly not
enough to protect the MS Ondina from submarines, let alone from
enemy surface raiders or the air.
The two ships departed Fremantle on November 4,
1942, expecting a long but uneventful trip.
The Ondina had additional supplies of fuel oil
onboard, which was to refuel the Bengal at Diego Garcia before
the tanker then proceeded to Abadan in the Persian Gulf and the
corvette was to leave for Colombo. The Bengal was in fact the
fourth and last of the Bathurst Class corvettes built in Australia
for the Indian Navy. And with the Bengal only recently having
completed her commissioning trials, she was certainly all very
new at her job, but not her crew as they were well trained!

radio room
the Shell Collection
The Great and Famed Battle at Sea:
On November 11, 1942, at 11.45 AM the naval
authorities in Fremantle received a SOS-signal sent out by the
Bengal, reporting that she and the Ondina were under attack by
two enemy raiders, identified as being Japanese, in position
19.38 N - 93.5 E. The battle started when a lookout aboard Ondina
sighted an unknown vessel at about 12,000 metres away, bearing
270 degrees, followed by ship of similar size. As no allied ships
were reported in the vicinity, they could only assume they were
hostile and for some time these ships were even identified as
Japanese carriers. On the Bengal, the lookouts saw the two AMC's
a few minutes later. The ships both made a quick 90 degrees turn
to starboard away from the enemy to a north-north-west direction.
Bengal then turned and headed straight for the enemy, thus hoping
to buy enough time for the Ondina to escape. She opened fire at
1200 hours from 3200 metres away, soon followed by the Ondina at
1205 PM some 8,000 metres away. The sensible thing to do for the
Ondina was to follow the order to escape, but the captain decided
to stay, as his ship, armed with a 4-inch gun and being the most
powerful of the two. In addition, the Ondina could only do 12
knots versus 21 of the Japanese ships.
The Aikoku Maru (Captain Oishi Tamotsu) and
Hokoku Maru (Captain Imazato Hiroshi) commenced firing at 1200
hours, and soon straddled the Ondina with their cruiser-armament.
The first hit on Ondina ripped off a part of the main mast,
leaving only a stump standing.
The Ondina herself had her answer ready: the
third shell fired by Ondina was a direct hit in the
superstructure of Hokoku Maru, but apparently it did little to
affect her speed or armament. Content with the hit, the gun
captain then ordered the gunners to concentrate their fire on the
stern. Only a few moments later, a lucky hit on the starboard
torpedo mount turned the Hokoku Maru in a ball of red and yellow
flames, and as the ship emerged from the smoke, she was listing
heavily to starboard, and simultaneously started to settle by the
stern. The explosion ripped off the stern and threw her two
floatplanes overboard, while massive fires raged in the
superstructure. Hokoku Maru was not built as a warship, and
therefore didn't have a sufficient number of watertight
bulkheads. Shells fell from their lockers as a result of the
increasing list and threw sailors overboard. Men, covered with
burns and blood tried to fight the flames. Reports came in
indicating large fires in the engine room and the loss of all
electricity. There was little hope of salvaging the Hokoku Maru,
and Captain Imazato could do little else than to order
abandon ship.

painting of the Imperial Japanese Navy Ship Hokoku Maru
one of the sites credited at the bottom of the page
The Aikoku Maru soon avenged her sister ship,
scoring several hits on Ondina. Fortunately, shells and torpedoes
have little effect on empty tankers, as the large number of
watertight tanks keeps them afloat under the most difficult
circumstances. Aikoku Maru also fired at the Bengal, which had
shortened the distance to about 2200 metres. One shell from the
Japanese hit her in the forecastle, luckily doing little damage.
Her gunners had been firing continuously at the Japanese,
claiming several hits. Unfortunately, the ammo
supply was soon depleted. At 1245, her last shell had been
fired and her captain decided there was little he could do for
the Ondina. He steamed away at full speed, chased by gun
splashes. After laying a smokescreen, she took a hit in the stern
which did little to hamper her escape. Last the men aboard Bengal
saw was the Ondina trying to evade the shells, continuously
straddled by the Aikoku Maru. A shell was seen hitting her abaft
the bridge. Some time later, a second explosion was seen aboard Hokoku
Maru, still burning and sinking. After leaving the scene, Bengal
set course for Diego Garcia, where the captain reported the
Ondina and one enemy AMC sunk.
Bengal's captain was right about one thing, the
Hokoku Maru had indeed sunk, but after Bengal had disappeared
behind the horizon, Ondina was still steaming around at full
speed. Not built as a warship, she had only a small ammo supply. Aikoku
Maru closed the range to 3500 metres, and placed several hits in
the following minutes, one of which was observed by the Bengal.
Ondina herself had only 12 shells left, four of which she fired
at the Hokoku Maru, the rest at Aikoku Maru, apparently without
placing a hit. A last attempt to escape by dumping smoke buoys
overboard was unsuccessful, and the captain ordered the crew to
abandon ship to avoid further bloodshed. The engines were
stopped, the lifeboats lowered and a white flag was hoisted, all
under continuous fire from the Aikoku Maru. A few moments later, Captain
Horsman was killed by a piece of shrapnel from a shell hitting
the bridge. Two lifeboats and two rafts were lowered into the
water and later, another lifeboat was in the water with the
remainder of the crew. Most of the crew (with the exception of
officers and gun crew) consisted of Chinese, and they had been
troublesome during the whole action, refusing any assistance that
might help save the ship.
Aikoku Maru approached Ondina to about 400
metres, and fired two torpedoes to finish the ship off. Both
slammed big holes in the starboard side, but did little to sink
the ship itself. These tanks had been empty and the ship remained
afloat on the other, undamaged fuel tanks, despite the 30 or 35
degrees list. Then Aikoku Maru changed course and the Japanese
gunners opened fire on the drifting lifeboat.
One sailor was killed, with three others heavily wounded. One of
them was a young British sailor named Henry, originally assigned
to the Bengal. Satisfied with the results, Aikoku Maru then
steamed away to pick up survivors from Hokoku Maru.
Later, the Aikoku Maru came back one more time, firing a torpedo
which missed the tanker. She paid little attention to the
survivors and steamed further; convinced the Ondina was doomed.
Meanwhile, the men in the lifeboats had given
the deceased a seamans burial, and then exchanged thoughts
about what to do next. The first officer Rehwinkel wanted to
return to the tanker, but only one man of the gun crew was
willing to go with him. Most of the others were convinced the
Ondina was about to go down. Not without trouble, Rehwinkel
managed to assemble a small number of men and returned to the
ship, where counter flooding reduced the list. Inspection
revealed that her engines were also still intact. The small fires
were extinguished and the last crewmembers in the lifeboats were
taken aboard, after the latter were convinced there was no danger
of sinking.
Now the long leg back to Fremantle began. The
lifeboats were patched up as good as possible, in case the Aikoku
Maru came back. The British sailor Henry was in very bad shape.
He had a crushed leg and after two days the first officer was
forced to send out an un-coded signal for help. It could not be
coded as the codebooks had all been thrown overboard when
abandon ship had been ordered. This unexpected signal
caused a shock in Colombo, as the Ondina was reported sunk and
logically, the British thought the Japanese were playing a trick
on them. A signal went out from Fremantle to report her position.
Expecting a trap by the Japanese, the Ondina didn't reply.
Without medical attention the Ondina headed towards Fremantle,
and six days later, on the 17th an Australian flying boat
Catalina was sighted, about 200 miles northwest of Fremantle. The
lookouts had reported a ship some time earlier, and the Catalina
was asked if that ship could provide the much needed help. The
unknown ship proved to be a hospital ship being the Australian
luxury passenger liner, currently in use as a Hospital Ship, AHS
Wanganella. All the wounded were transferred to the
Wanganella where doctors immediately began a series of blood
transfusions to save Henrys life, and did so with success.

Hospital Ship - AHS Wanganella seen at full speed ahead
the authors private collection
On November 18, both the Ondina and the
Wanganella entered Fremantle after a journey only a few ships had
experienced, let alone lived to tell about it. The corvette Bengal
had entered Diego Garcia the day before. Ondina received
emergency repairs and she remained in Australia for some time as

of the damage done by the Hokoku Maru can be clearly seen on
Ondinas bow
unknown - *Please see the Photo Notes at re bottom of the page!
In order to supply the Potshot base with marine
fuel oil, marine distillate and aviation fuel, four a 2,000-ton
welded steel tanks were being constructed at the port of Onslow
(todays Exmouth). The tank would hold distillate for
submarines in service mid 1943. After the Indian Ocean
ordeal she served at Potshot marine depot as a temporary floating
storage facility until the Onslow tanks was finally completed
around October 1943. Thereafter, the US Navy provided a 500-ton
barge to collect the distillate from tankers and pump it ashore
into the newly completed shore tanks at Potshot.
For interest, Potshot was the
codename for the spartan base and rest camp for submariners using
the tender USS Pelias and an airfield was constructed there to
provide fighter defence for the base. Z Special Unit
used Potshot as a staging base for Operation Jaywick
in September 1943. Today this small marine base is the Western Australian
Town of Exmouth with a population of around 2,400. However, it is
also a popular tourist center, but so far removed from major
capitals, even from Perth the capital of Western Australia is
1,270 kilometres - 789 miles away, or Darwin in the Northern
Territory is a mere 3,366 kilometres - 2,092 miles and that
is the neatest neighbour state capital. Or from Brisbane the
capital of Queensland the distance is 5,778.45 kilometres 3,590.41
In due course Ondina was finally repaired and
both the HMIS Bengal and MS Ondina continued in their respective
services. However, I should mention that even before she went to
Potshot, the Ondina supplied fuel and water to the SRD vessel
Krait that was heading for Singapore where she carried out a most
successful attack on Japanese shipping. The refuelling occurred
on September 1, 1943. Of course the Krait has become folklore and
most famous!
By the end of 1943 oil tankers were obviously
in short supply and thus it had been decided to have the Ondina
sail the United States to undergo major repairs. However she
first headed for Melbourne as work needed to be done to
strengthen her hull sufficiently for the voyage across the South
Pacific. On Board there was a crew of Dutch officers and a
Chinese crew. But, just as the ship was about to depart Melbourne,
all but two of the Chinese crew deserted ship. Shell decided to
continue the voyage and have two of the DEMS gunners acting as
helmsmen whilst the other six men would keep their watches on the
guns. The ninety four day voyage was long and it seemed to be
everlasting to all on board, as the headed for the Panama Canal.
But once they had cleared the Canal she headed for Galveston
where the repairs were to take place, but new order had arrived
and they had to continue to Tampa Florida. There she received a
full restoration as well as a considerable refit improving all
crew quarters!
The MS Ondina was still operational in the late
1950s and she returned to Fremantle around 1956, which sadly was
rather unnoticed by most!
Very few questions remain concerning this
clash, but the most important one is who fired the fatal shot?
Answering this question is difficult only because as both the
Ondina and Bengal claimed to have scored the fatal hit. The
Japanese themselves have stated that it was without a doubt the
Ondina. According to them, her shell hit the starboard torpedo
launcher, causing the torpedo to explode. At the time, the Bengal
was given the benefit of the doubt, according to the author from
one of my sources as an attempt to use this battle for propaganda
in India, where the British had a lot of trouble keeping the
people under control. However, the gun on the Bengal could not do
enough damage to the Japanese ship, and the Australian Navy in
reality knew this!
In retrospect, this battle was not only was a
tactical success for the Allies, but it also offered implications
for future strategies. The loss of the Hokoku Maru led to the
abandoning of raider warfare by the Imperial Japanese Navy and
never (with one exception) tried to break the lifeline again.
Ondina was given a rare Dutch distinction, the
Koninklijke Vermelding by Dagorder, issued on July 9,
1948. Captain W. Horsman became Ridder (Knight of the)
Militaire Willems Order der 4de Klasse posthumously
and was Mentioned in all Dispatches.
2nd.Officer Bartele Broer
I wish to thank Mr. Tom Bakker of the Netherlands
for contacting me, as he provided me with another part of the MS
Ondina story, and that is the story regarding his dear late
Father Mr. Bartele Broer Bakker who was a Lieutenant in the
Koninklijke Marine (Royal Marines) and he was placed on board the
Ondina as the ships 2nd.Officer during World War Two.
Tom Bakkers email told me the following
in part;
Dear Mr Goossens, I have read your story
about the Ondina with a lot of interest! My father, Bartele Broer
Bakker was 2nd.Officer on the Ondina when it was attacked by the
Japanese raiders on 11-11-42. So I know the story very
He provided me with a link that gave me some
further detail in Dutch, which I had translated and I am
delighted to add the story of his dear Father and the story of
his obvious heroism to this page, for he was highly awarded as he
received the Netherlands highest honour of becoming a
Ridder, bieing the Dutch version of a
Bartele Broer Bakker (Ijsbrechtum March
13, 1918 - Nijefurd May 16, 1988). During World War 2 and he was
the 2nd.Officer on Board the MS Ondina.
Awards given:
Military William Order
- (MWO.4), granted on August 28, 1948
Distinguished Service
Cross - (DSC).
Honourable Mention -
War Memorial Cross
Awards 2 to 4 were officially awarded on
January 14, 1943, together with another award, the Bronze
Cross - (BK), however, this award was repealed and
replaced with a far greater honour of the Military William
Order in August 1948.
Military William Order - MWO,
which is the highest award that can be awarded, for it is the
equivalent to a Knighthood. It is explained in Dutch as;
Ridder der Militaire Willems Orde or Knight of
the Military Willems Order.
The reason the Knight of the Military
Willems Order was awarded, as was stated as follows;
During a battle that was distinguished
by excellent acts of courage, selfishness and faith by the 2nd.Officer
of the MS Ondina, which was only fitted with a 10.2 cm cannon and
on November 11, 1942 whilst in the north of the Indian Ocean
together with the accompanying Royal Indian Navy Minesweeper,
having received permission of his commander, under dangerous
conditions he entered into a conflict with two powerful fully
armed Japanese Auxiliary Cruisers, being the Hokoku Maru
and the Aikoku Maru. And as we have read, it was an
amazing fight that too place!
There was an official presentation of the Military
William Order on October 7, 1948 that took place on the
Sonsbeek meadow in the City of Arnhem. Thus as we can see, this
brave man was a highly decorated ships Officer with countless
awards that were given to him for his service to his country as
well as Australia!
It should be noted that the Distinguished
Service Cross was given to Lieutenant Bartele Broer Bakker
by the British for the following reasons;
Great gallantry when the vessel,
escorted by only one destroyer was attacked by two enemy raiders,
one of which she sank. Although her crew was forced to abandon
ship during the action, she was re boarded and was brought safely
to port.
to right: Military Willem Order - War Memorial Cross
- Honourable Mention - Distinguished Service
Cross (United Kingdom)
Other Awards Handed Out:
In addition Australian Able Bodied Seaman Bertram
Albert George Hammond RAN (Royal Australian Navy)
service number: PA1318, received the Distinguished Service Medal
and the Bronzen Kruis (Bronze Cross) on May 22nd, 1943. However,
this medal was replaced by a much higher honour, being The
Netherlands Bronze Lion with an Honourable
Mention. The captain of the Bengal, Lieutenant-Commander
Wilson, received the Distinguished Service Order, while others of
his crew were also awarded.

is the Bronze Lion Medal, a high honour to an Australia Naval man
thanks to:
for their excellent information

we see a Bronze Cross Medal presentation ceremony attended by HRH
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (left)
is seen with a number of recipients. I will add details as soon
as I obtain them!
unknown - *Please see the Photo Notes at re bottom of the page!
Lance Bombardier F. Ryan. No. 4192090. MRA:
Recently I received an email from Mr. Colin Jarry-Ryan
in the United Kingdom, and he kindly provided the following
interesting information regarding his Uncle. It reads as follows:
my Uncle, Patrick Francis-Ryan
was on board as a gunner and (was) decorated by the Dutch
Government with the Bronze Cross for his part in this battle.
Please find attached his photo and (one of) the medal. Please
Note: The words in (brackets) were added by the author.
This was followed up by another email from the
son of Patrick Francis-Ryan and he advised me as follows
My name is Tony Ryan, and Patrick Francis
Ryan was my father, who sadly deceased 20 years ago. He was known
as Frank Ryan while he was in the forces, and he was
presented with his medal either on November 7 or the 8th.1948 as
I have entry and exit stamps for Holland in his passport for
those dates.
Very soon there will be additional images
added, such as two British Newspaper clippings and the official
Dutch Citation from HRH Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, but
presented by Prince Bernhard, husband of Princess Juliana, the
future Queen.
Frank Ryan and his Dutch Bronzen Kruis (Bronze Cross)
received for his bravery whilst in battle!
by Colin Jarry-Ryan
I hereby wish to thank Mr. Colin Jarry-Ryan
and for providing the information regarding his Uncles
involvement as well as sending the relevant photographs. I am
sure that the many readers of this page will greatly appreciate

is a commemoration stamp issued
in those days was still called British, the British Indian
Ocean Today it is no longer so!
is an Independent, but part of the Commonwealth, and has its own
National Anthem
the authors private collection
Sister Ships and the Final days of the MS Ondina:
MS Ondina had quite an extensive fleet of
sister ships such as the: Elusa, Ena, Erinna, Etrema, Eulota,
Ocana, Olivia, Omala, Onoba, Oscilla, Ovula And Anglo Saxon Owned
Elona, Ensis, Erodona, Eulima, Mactra, Opalia, Otina, Ovatella,
Pellicula, Sepia, Simnia, Sitala, Solarium, Standella, and the
After the World War II, MS Ondina sailed on
sailing on a good number of services, but in due course having
had a busy and certainly a tumultuous twenty year career, she was
finally sold in 1959 to be broken up in Hong Kong.

we see the Ondina in her later years
the Shell Collection

Ondina is seen here laid up just before heading for the breakers
yards in Hong Kong in 1959

we see the MS Ondina departing and she is bound for Hong Kong,
where she will be broken up
the Shell Collection

Ondinas ships bell currently on show at my home it
is available to Maritime Museums
bell is part of the authors private collection and the
property of the author. This image is © copyright - Reuben Goossens

is another Ondina bell that was in the Lobby of the Royal Dutch Shell
Building in Amsterdam
the Shell Collection

Re Photograph Above: Mr D Erskine
(right) and Mr J Browning of the Shell Oil Company inspect the
bullet riddled mast of the Company's tanker Ondina which was
found in a North Fremantle boilermaker's yard. On 1942-11-11 the
tanker, escorted by a minesweeper, was attacked by the Japanese
raider Kokoku Maru about 1400 miles from Fremantle and with her
one gun she sank the raider. A second Japanese raider, the Kunta Maru,
appeared and blasted the escort into a hulk. The Ondina fought
until her last round was fired and then the Captain stopped
engines and ordered "Abandon Ship". Ignoring this, the
raider continued shelling the vessel and finally torpedoed her.
After the raider left the scene the tanker's surviving crew
members boarded Ondina, extinguished the fires, righted her list
and sailed her back to Fremantle. Six of her crew were decorated
- including Captain W Horsman, posthumously. Photograph:
Australian War Memorial, Copyright expired Public
My Story with the Ondina:
This story takes place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
in 1953.
My Mother who had many friends all over the
world, had a very good friend who happened to be a Captain of
this Shell tanker, and when she was in port in Rotterdam my
Mother and I were invited to come on board one afternoon. Unknown
to me at the time was that the ship was still awaiting a berth
and she was at anchor, thus the Captain, whose name I obviously
have forgotten, had a lifeboat waiting for us, and off we went.
It was great fun! We boarded by what seemed like a never ending
staircase that moved, as I had not experienced this before! Once
on board, I noticed the smell of oil and the vast decks with its
countless long, long pipes. There was an aft deck house with a
mostly Asian crew, and the amidships deckhouse for the Dutch
officers, which was very nice indeed. I was taken up to the
bridge for a look, which seemed rather small for such a large
ship, well I thought it was large, as I was still young I had
been on the Bridge of the RMS Queen Mary and that was Huge! We
then went to the Captains quarters which was very fancy
compared to the other areas I had seen, as he had several rooms
such as a bedroom, lounge a dinning area and a spacious office. I
was surprised as it was almost as good as the Queen Marys
Captains quarters. We sat down in his lounge and were offered
coffee and something to eat, being served by an excellent
Indonesian Steward, and alcoholic drinks were poured for the
adults, such as my mother, the captain and officers present.
We had a wonderful time on this ship, as I had
only been on Passenger Liners in the past, but I did not know the
name of this ship, so I asked the captain for her name and he
said; Reuben this a well known ship that became very famous
during the War, for she is the Ondina. One day you will learn all
about her for she was far away on the other side of the world in Australia
on the other side of the world fighting Japanese warships
and she was badly hit by a number by these ships, but she fought
back and she eventually won sinking one of their warships, even
though she was badly wounded, she was able to limp back to port
and she was repaired!
Thus as you can see I have been on board the MS
Ondina and somehow I ended up have a small connection to her, and
through a miracle someone contacted me one day and stated that
as was crew member on the Ondina and I have one of the
three ships bells and I would like to give it to you as you
have honoured the Ondina with your ssmaritime feature of the ship
I have served on for so long. Thus, it seems that somehow
it was meant to be that one of her Bells would end up with
me! As a child, I stood on her bridge, sat in her Captains
quarters. Told me her story, which I duly forgot, but in my
latter years I revived online, and someone read it and rewarded
me with her bell! Just amazing!
Sources to the main story:
Bezemer: "Verdreven doch niet verslagen"
Nakajima: "Hokoku Maru" - the unknown Q-ship (an
extract was kindly provided by Sander Kingsepp)
International No 4, 1994
to Roel Zwama, Anne Niemantsverdriet, Bert Kossen, Jean-François
Masson, Dan Muir and Ferry van Eewen for the additional details.
also thank you - dutcheastindies/Ondina & AWM -
the Brave MS Ondina!

Ondina at sea in her earlier days, it is a great way to remember
this brave ship!
the authors private collection
a special Painting of the Shell-tanker Ondina Exhibition!
is available on its own special page - CLICK
Water Liners sailing to the distant shores.
I watched them come, I watched them go and I watched them die.
to the ssMaritime MAIN
you will discover over 1,350 Classic Liners & the
1914 built MV Doulos Story
Author has been in Passenger Shipping & the Cruise Industry
for over 60 years!
Note: ssmaritime and associated sites are 100% non-commercial
and the author seeks no funding or favours of any shape
or form, never have and never will!
Photographs on ssmaritime and associate
pages are by; the author or from the authors
private collection. In addition there are some images that have
been provided by Shipping Companies and private photographers or
collectors. Credit is given to all contributors. However, there
are some photographs provided to me without details regarding the
photographer/owner concerned. I hereby invite if owners of these
images would be so kind to make them-selves known to me (my email
address may be found on only), in order that
due credit may be given.
This notice covers all pages; although,
and I have done my best to ensure that all photographs are duly
credited and that this notice is displaced on each page, that is,
when a page is updated!
ssMaritime is
owned & © Copyright by Reuben Goossens - All
Rights Reserved