Sitmar Line – SS Castle
Bianco and the Family Karlsson sail to Canada in 1951
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Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian,
Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer & Author
Note: All ssMaritime and other related maritime/cruise sites are 100%
non-commercial and privately owned. Be assured that I am NOT associated with
any shipping or cruise companies or any travel/cruise agencies or any other
organisations! Although the author has been in the passenger shipping industry
since 1960, although is now retired but having completed around 690 Classic
Liners and Cargo-Passengers Ships features I trust these will continue to
provide classic ship enthusiasts the information the are
seeking, but above all a great deal of pleasure! Reuben Goossens.
Sitmar Ships

Our Voyage to Canada
On the … SS Castelbianco
By Mr. Kurt Karlsson

Castelbianco seen after her first major rebuild in 1950
From the author’s private collection
hereby wish to thank Mr Kurt Karlsson or providing us with his story, regarding
him and his patents sailing from Copenhagen to Quebec Canada
in August 1951 on the SS Castelbianco. I am sure it will provide another
insight into the effect these ships had on the lives of so many who sailed on
them, and the Castelbianco transported countless thousands of people who were
looking for a new life to Canada,
America, as well as Australia!
Reuben Goossens.

name is Kurt A. Karlsson, I was born in 1942, Copenhagen
My father was Allan V. Karlsson (1920 2005), and my Mother, Kate L. Ludvigsen
(1924-1993). We lived an average life as far as I can remember. During the
early part of 1951 my parents applied to emigrate as so many Danish people did
at that time. Their wish was to go to the United States. But at that time no
immigrants were being accepted there. I think it had something to do with a
limit of some sort. There were only two places that we could immigrate to and
that was Argentina or Canada. They
decided on Canada.

is my Mother’s passport photo
We lived on the main street of Copenhagen (Vesterbrogade 125) and took
a taxi down to the harbour. Our relatives were there to see us off. They
brought us gifts and were happy for us.
The Sitmar Liner, the Castlebianco was gigantic
(well, in the eyes of a child). And we were very excited about our trip to
a new country. We had a lot of luggage. Two large trunks made of cane (basket
weave), and many suitcases.

Mother’s passage ticket
to Quebec Canada
of our Departure

The Karlsson Family: My Father is seen on the right and Mother is standing
second from the left. I am seated on the left wearing
a cap

Getting ready to board the Castle
Bianco – This was only our hand luggage

Going up the gangplank whilst waving goodbye to
our family

Boarding Castelbianco, which is about to take us to a
new home far across the sea.

Mother and I stand at the ships railings and we wait
for the ship to depart
Once aboard the ship, we waved goodbye to our
relatives, they took pictures of us and sent us copies (the ones seen on this
page). We out waited on deck for what seemed to be hours. Then we departed.
Leaving Denmark
on August 31, 1951.

SS Castelbianco departs Copenhagen on August 31, 1951
“Finally we are pulling away from the wharf.
Our adventure has begun!”
The sleeping arrangements were as follows. The men
were at one end of the ship in a large dormitory, with bunk beds, whilst the
women and children were at the other end of the ship, also a large
dormitory’s with bunk beds and cots. I remember that my mother had sewn a
secret pocket inside my father's undershirt to hide our money.
Living on the ship was very exciting for me. Maybe
that was because I was a boy with no worries. There were many children, and we
would play all day long and collect soda bottles which we exchanged for
chocolate and candy.
The cooks and kitchen staff were Italian and they
really nice, they liked the kids. When we were hungry we would knock on the
kitchen door, rub our stomachs because we only spoke Danish and they spoke
Italian and English, thus, that was the only way to communicate. They would
give us pieces of cake, buns and whatever they had extra. For me, that was the
best part of the whole trip.

Most days were spent on deck reading, playing games
and talking. It was cold, but sunny on most days. Everything went well for a while, but then
when we were about half way across the Atlantic
there was a terrible storm. It was very bad and we were all very scared. A lot
of people got seasick it was not a good time. When it passed all went back to
Then one morning someone was yelling look, look
… and there in the distance we saw an iceberg ... amazing. Then a bit
later we saw waterspouts shooting into the air … whales. Next we saw
land. We were told that this was Canada
and what we saw was Newfoundland.
Then we arrived in Halifax Harbour
and berthed at Pier #2I. When we disembarked we entered a large hall and we
waited on hard wooden benches for quite a long time to be processed.
Above & below: Mother’s and Fathers Canadian landing cards

When all documentation was completed we
went to Quebec City and then onto our final
destination Toronto.
in Toronto we
came to Union Station. We had no place to stay but luckily it was early morning
so we had time to look for accommodation. We walked up Yonge Street from Front Street to Carlton Street and then east across to a
park called Allan
Gardens. It was in this
area where other Danish families had settled. My father saw a “Room for
Rent,” sign at #9 Homewood Avenue and that became our home, up on the
third floor overlooking the back yard, for the next 2 years. The room was 15X
15ft and had an icebox, two beds and a shared washroom down on the second
floor, but we liked it because it was across the street from the park.
a new life began in Canada,
which has been very good.”
Kurt Karlsson.
photographs and images (except for “SS Castlebianco seen after
her first major rebuild in 1950”) were provided by Kurt Karlsson
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