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“Ship of the Month”
Reuben Goossens
Historian, Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer, Author & Lecturer
Note: All ssmaritime and my other related ssmaritime sites are 100%
non-commercial and privately owned sites. Be assured that I am NOT associated
with any cruise or shipping companies or travel/cruise agencies or any other
organisations! The author has been in the passenger shipping industry since May
1960 and is now semi-retired, but continues to write article on classic liners
and cruise ships in order to better inform cruise and ship enthusiasts for
their pleasure!

TSS Fairsea is seen departing Vancouver
for a 14-day Alaskan Cruise in 1972
--PLEASE NOTE: All items & Photographs on this page are the
property and thus the Images & are © Copyright - Reuben Goossens--
Memorabilia and Menus
to Page Four of the TSS Fairsea and Fairwind feature and the Sitmar
line and Sitmar Cruises story, which I am sure you will have found very
interesting. If you have reached this page via a server, please head for Page
One and commence at the beginning of this extensive feature!
I will commence with Part One with some of my
memorabilia item all of which are part of my private collection and I trust
that you will enjoy viewing them! Whilst Part Two contains a good number of
Menus that are dated from 1972, being the very early years of these fine luxury
cruise ships careers, through to 1981.
Part One: Memorabilia

is my very heavy solid brass on a timber plaque of the Fairsea that is located
in my office at home
In 1972 certain
travel or shipping agents were presented with a solid brass and timber plaque
of the Fairsea, but of course these were only presented to those who sold the
most Sitmar Cruises be it the TSS Fairstar as well as the Fairsea and Fairwind
over in the United States. Considering we were based far from Sitmar’s
deluxe ships in the States, it was far more difficult to sell passage on these
here in Australia,
but amazingly we did but in smaller numbers. Whilst American travel agents were
awarded enamelled Sitmar flags that were placed at the bottom of the plaque and
these were presented pending the number of their cruise sales. Obviously in Australia, although we sold a good number of
cruises, as Sitmar was one of the most popular lines, we could never compete
with the numbers with American agents, for back in those days, flying to America was
still considered as being a very long and a tiring and a very expensive return
flight across the Pacific!
Below is my beloved
“Captains Circle”

elegant item of memorabilia a glass with an etched image of the ship seen from the
stern and the “Sitmar Captain’s Circle” logo
The glass above
has etched on one side is a stern view of the sisters the FAIRSEA or FAIRWIND, whilst
beautifully etched on the other side is a circular logo with the words; “Circolo del Comandante Sitmar
Cruises,” meaning “Sitmar Cruises Captain’s Circle.”
And of course these glasses were given only to passengers that became members
of the “Circle” and they would be given this beautiful gift during
their cruise. The glass was presented in a beautiful silver foil gift box, with
the “Captain’s Circle” logo printed on the lid! In due course
there would be many who would have a half a dozen glasses as well as other
gifts that were handed out for sailing with the wonderful Sitmar Cruises!

is the beautiful silver box that has the delightful circular Captains Club Logo
on it

popular item of memorabilia came from the Fairwind - a Sitmar Cruises Ashtray

This is the elegantly designed Shuffleboard
Tournament Trophy, having two badges on a beautiful plaque on maroon velvet
background that says;
“Shipboard Tournament - Gran Premio - T.S.S. Fairwind” with the
medal at the top showing the ship
Part Two: Menus
Captain’s Farewell (Arivederci) Dinner Menus

are large menus, thus I had to photograph them, but their covers are just
sadly I cannot reproduce their original beauty here, but they are simply
menu is a Farewell dated May 22, 1972 thus very early in her career

is much the same menu as the Farewell above, but a year later, dated May 2, 1973

is the interior of the May 2, 1973 menu, which is almost the same as the later

& below: This
is a very special menu; the cover was Art paper, with SITMAR CRUISES embossed
it, the insert with the menu was a parchment paper and as you can see it was
especially for the
TSS Fairwind’s
inaugural visit to New York City
on May 14, 1977. Just look at that menu, would you
not love to have been there?

& below: An Asian inspired cover for a luncheon menu
on the TSS Fairwind

is a Sitmar Cruises paper serviette taken from the deck buffet


each Sitmar cruise there would be a genuine “Candlelight Dinner”
& here is one of the Menus

and below: here is the interior of a “Candlelight
Dinner” from aboard the TSS Fairsea’s dated August 22, 1980

“American Dinner” Menus

American Dinner’s were extremely popular and this one is from August 26,

& below: the American Dinner Menu

and below: here is the cover and the actual menu of another
American Dinner 8 months later April 29, 1981

Sitmar Cruises INDEX:
Page One … The Ships History - From Liners to
Cruise Ships!
Two … Deck
Plans - 1972, 1973/74, 1985 & 2000.
Page Three … Brochures, Photographs & Other Items.
Page Three B … Sitmar Cruises Final
Brochure for 1989, but these cruises never eventuated.
Page Four … Sitmar Memorabilia and Menus.
Five … Other
Sitmar Cruises Ships to 1988.
Page Six … MV Arcadia, launched as Sitmar FairMajesty
. with
a 1998 Author’s Photo Album!
to the ssMaritime
Main INDEX &
Where the ships of the past make history
& the 1914 built MV Doulos Story
Note: ssmaritime and associated sites
are 100% non-commercial and the author seeks no
funding or favours of any shape or form, never have and never will!
Photographs on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from the
author’s private collection. In addition there are some images that have
been provided by Shipping Companies and private photographers or collectors.
Credit is given to all contributors. However, there are some photographs
provided to me without details regarding the photographer/owner concerned. I
hereby invite if owners of these images would be so kind to make them-selves
known to me (my email address may be found on only), in order that due credit
may be given.
notice covers all pages, although, and I have done
my best to ensure that all photographs are duly credited and that this notice
is displaced on each page, that is, when a page is updated!
is owned & © Copyright by Reuben Goossens - All Rights Reserved