M.S. Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, became the T.S.M.S. Lakonia
in 1963
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With Reuben
Maritime Historian,
Author, Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer and Maritime Lecturer
Note: All ssMaritime and related maritime sites are 100% non-commercial and
privately owned, thus ssmaritime is NOT associated with any shipping company or
any other organisation! Although the author has worked and been involved in the
passenger shipping industry for well over 60 years, but due to his old age and
poor health, he was forced to retire. Yet, he has completed well over 1,365
Classic Liners, Passenger-Cargo Liners as well as humble converted C3 converted
Migrant Liners, which has transported countless thousands of folk to the new
world, as well on vacations’. I trust the features online will continue
to provide Classic Liner and Ship enthusiasts both the information they are
seeking, but more so provide a great deal of pleasure and relive many happy
of the JVO”
m.s. Johan
van Oldenbarnevelt
night the JVO almost Went Down
Story provided by Tom Boelen
My father came up the idea of migrating early in
1959. Even though he owned a cigar shop in The Hague, he
found that the future of a family with seven children in the Netherlands
in those days were not encouraging. Thus, he contacted various migration
information organisations, and found that Australia
would be the destination, especially being able to travel there without having
to pay for the voyage. The city of choice was Brisbane.

Boelen Family on the Java Kade
(wharf) just prior to boarding the JVO
by Tom Boelen
As for me, I worked in the
merchant navy as from 1957, with my first voyage being on a Shell company
tanker. Thereafter I worked as a steward on VNS (Holland-Africa Line) ships
until my departure on the Johan van Oldenbarnevelt.
Although, I was old enough to work, I had to go with my family, as I was still
legally underage. I certainly was not happy to go to Australia,
as I wanted to continue as a seaman, rather than go to Downunder.

going through the formalities of boarding the JVO
bound for their new
homes in Australia
and New Zealand
by Tom Boelen
With ticket
and other documents in hand, we boarded the JVO on the 26th of June
1959. From Amsterdam
we sailed via Southampton, Port Said, Aden to Australia
- (see schedule).
For me the voyage was a wonderful holiday, however, when possible, I assisted
the crew with a few duties, one of these assisting in the Neptunus
Pool Bar on Upper Deck. Our first Australian port was Fremantle. After the
usual Immigration checks, we departed in the evening on Friday 24 July 1959,
steaming for Melbourne.

seen arriving in Fremantle
by the Fremantle Port
We departed Fremantle at 6 pm;
the two hours later we ended up in a horrific storm with 15 to 20 meter waves.
Portholes were smashed in the aft restaurant on B Deck resulting with almost
1.5 meter of water in the dinning room. Tables and chairs were floating around.

Dinning Room
Up on Lounge deck a huge wave crashed into the
Verandah/Cinema Lounge and most chairs and tables were washed overboard. You
can imagine the utter panic that set in amongst the passengers. The JVO pitched
and swerved so severely, it came to a point, were she could have gone down.
Fearing the worst most passengers wore their life jackets, as we were afraid
that it was to be our last voyage. Tragically, the ships pianist, Mr. J
A van Diepenbeek,
was attempting to tie down the piano, when the piano violently smashed into
him, killing him instantly. He was 55 years old. All over the ship there were
badly wounded passengers and it amazes me to this day, that none was actually
washed overboard, as even furniture, high up on the upper decks were swept
overboard by the massive waves that engulfed the ship.

The truth is, in all my years at sea I have
never experienced anything like it again. I am grateful to the seamanship of Captain Peter A. de Groote,
for it was though his experience JVO escaped a catastrophe.
We arrived in Melbourne
approximately 24 hours late. Over thirty wounded passengers were taken off the
ship and transported to local hospitals for attention. Sadly, later we heard
that one lady had been so badly hurt that she passed away whilst still in

seen arriving in Sydney
Most passengers, including my
mother did not wish to go on to Sydney
on the JVO, and many disembarked. However, we did stay onboard and sailed to Sydney,
were we caught a train heading to Brisbane
being our destination. Upon arrival, we were taken to the immigrant camp, Wacol.
Once there, I did not stay very long, as in
October 1960, I decided to go to Sydney
and search for a position on a Dutch ship. I was very lucky, as the 2nd
steward of the Amstelmeer’s had jumped ship,
thus I was able to take his place. After enjoying my travels at sea, I returned
to the Netherlands,
where I continued sailing with a number of companies, including Holland America
Line, and VSN.

article in a Melbourne
Sun 28, or 30 July 1959
by Tom
Tom’s parents have sadly passed away, but he returns to Brisbane
when he can to visit his family. The author thanks Tom Boelen for his
story. It proves that an ocean voyage can provide a variety of memories,
joyful, adventurous, sad and even tragic ones as in the case of the pianist
Family Passage

by Tom Boelen

by Tom Boelen
“Blue Water Liners sailing to the
distant shores.
I watched them come, I watched them go and I watched them die.”
OUR … ssMaritime Main INDEX
you will discover well over 1,365 Classic Passenger & Passenger-Cargo
The Author
has been in Passenger Shipping & the Cruise Industry for over 60 years!
For interest: Sadly an email service to ssMaritime is
no longer available, due to the author’s old age and chronic illness as
well as being disabled, etc. In the past ssMaritime received well over 140
emails per day, but Mr.
can no longer handle same. He sincerely regrets this!
ssMaritime.com & ssMaritime.net
the ships of the past make history & the story of the 1914 built MV Doulos
Note: ssmaritime and associated sites are 100% non-commercial and the
author does not seek funding or favours and never have and never will.
on ssmaritime and associate pages are either by the author or from the
author’s private collection. In addition there are some images and
photographs that have been provided by Shipping Companies or private
photographers or collectors. Credit is given to all contributors, however,
there are some photographs provided to me without details regarding the
photographer or owner concerned.
ssMaritime is owned & © Copyright
by Reuben
- All Rights Reserved