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With Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian,
Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer & Author
T.S.S. Olympia
Sold to become Caribe, Caribe I, Regal Empress
for scrap in March 2009 and sailed for India as the MV Regal Tmpress

elegant Greek Liner – TSS
Photograph provided by Angus Ogilvy
and used with permission
Birth At Sea”
By Jim (Olympios) Bournelis
“My Father, whose name is Nicholas Bournelis
was ready to leave his job as a driver for the American Embassy in Athens and
decided to head for "America,” which was of course “The Land
of Opportunity" and as he always told us nothing was going to stop
him. My Mother Toula and my two brothers, Peter, then aged 11 and
Evangelos aged 1, were part of the entourage on the forthcoming voyage and
However, the problem was that my Mother was 8
months pregnant with me and at that time there was a policy against women
being so advanced in their pregnancy and travelling on the TSS Olympia on a Trans Atlantic voyage. But
nothing would stop my Father from boarding, thus we did and the Olympia departed Piraeus
on April 12, 1960.
However, on the 19th my Mother went into
labour and I was told that my Father carried her all the way to the
ship’s hospital. Of course that was my day of “freedom”
and for the rest of the voyage it became one big party on board!
TSS Olympia’s captain was Captain Demetrios Sigalas, and he
asked for the honour if he and his wife could become
my Godparents, thus two days later the Baptism took
place, which was followed by a large reception, which was attended by many
of the passengers. One of the gifts that I was given was a free voyage on
the ship, my Mother received one at a fifty percent discount but my Father
would have to pay the full price! I guess that was his penalty for
bringing my pregnant Mother on board. However, we never did take advantage
of the generous gift, but it was much appreciated at the time.
“Birth at Sea” - Photo gallery
All photographs
were provided by Jim Bounelis

Mrs Toula Bournelis looks on as baby Jim has
just been delivered in the ships hospital

Greek Orthodox Chaplain Rev. Antonios
Navromaras leads the baptismal service and Captain Demetrios Sigalas
is seen holding the baby with his wife seen
next to him as well one man and an officer

This is Jim’s big moment!

The baptism is complete and the party is about
to begin!

With the big affair over there is time
for a photo with the happy Mum Toula, the captain and his wife
the proud father Nicholas Bournelis holding
his one year old son Evangelos and their eldest
son Peter next to the captain

Above and below:
Two items from the ships Log and a statement from the Captain regarding the
Both images of these documents
were provided by Jim Bournelis

My Mother and Father arrived in New York on April 24 with one extra passenger and I entered
America having
dual citizenship, Greek and Liberian. However in 1976 through the
Naturalization process I officially became a USCitizen. But the birthplace
on my passport continues to read: Born: “at sea.”

Here we see young Jim at seven years of age
A school photograph provided by
Jim Bournelis
Throughout my
childhood, I was embarrassed to complete the “birthplace” space on
school forms, thus I always put the ship’s name along with “Atlantic Ocean” and sometimes I included the
latitude and longitude! Most of the time, the schools changed it to Lancaster, PA, my hometown. By the way, having a middle name,
Olympios, was a fact that I kept quiet unless I was pressed for that

A photograph of my parents taken in 1993.
Sadly Jim’s father passed away on April 6, 1999
Photograph provided by Jim

A recent photograph of Jim and his family
Jim and his wife Chrysan in the middle
and their sons Nikolas (left) and Ian (right)
Photograph provided by Jim
My story of being born on the TSS Olympia is fascinating to whomever I may tell
it. I admit that I also enjoy having no real City or Country of birth, but
instead the Atlantic Ocean! I have always
wondered where the ship was located, my relatives in Greece would tell me when it was
docked there. But, a couple years ago I took a chance and googled the
ship's name and was delighted to find the information. I showed the pictures to
my Mother who recognized only a few of the areas, because of all the renovations.
My regret is that I wish I would have emailed you sooner because it looks like
the time is almost up for us to see the ship. My Mother is now 78 and of course
I’m almost 49 and both of us would love to see the ship before she
goes. My Father passed away in 1999. My wife, Chrysan and two boys,
Nikolas, 19, and Ian, 17 also are very interested in this story having a happy

The very first postcard of TSS Olympia was an artist’s impression
From the Authors private
Reuben, I will compile the all of the
information I have and email to you. I have a copy of the ship's log for
that day; a family picture in the hospital room along with the Captain; my
birth certificate, and a copy of the Baptismal card. Much of this information
is in Greek so it may be a little difficult for you to read. I also have the
"Greek Line" hospital towel as a souvenir.
Most of all, I'm happy to pass on this story
to someone who knows the history of the ship. I must admit that I reviewed your
information on the website to see if there was mention of a birth on board
the ship. I'm curious if you knew about it all? Regardless, I'm very
appreciative of the opportunity and look forward to communicating after I
send you the "good stuff". I am not looking for any publicity from
this, just interested in adding a little more history to the TSS Olympia before it is retired.”
– Note new feature -
# 8.
1… TSS Olympia - The only Greek Trans Atlantic Liner ever to be built.
Sold to become the Caribe and Regal Empress
2… Caribe refit photographs
- Photos
and story by ex crew member Michael
3… Photo Album One
4… Photo Album Two - Photos by an Australian passenger, Michael Barnes
5 Deck Plan
6… The
ex Save the TSS Olympia Campaign – The History of the Campaign
7… Read the Memorandum of Agreement - Proof of how Senator
Leonidas Raptakis
turned TRAITOR and deserted TSS Olympia!
8… Birth
at Sea – The fascinating story of
how Jim (Olympios) Bournelis was born mid Atlantic!
the Back button on your browser or Close the Page to return to the previous
or go to our INDEX
Who is the Author of ssMaritime?
in the passenger Shipping Industry in May 1960
ssMaritime.com & ssMaritime.net
the ships of the past make history & the 1914 built MV Doulos
Also visit my …
“Save The Classic Liners Campaign” & “Classic Ocean Voyages” pages
on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from the author’s
private collection. In addition there are some images that have been
provided by Shipping Companies and private photographers or collectors. Credit
is given to all contributors. However, there are some photographs provided to
me without details regarding the photographer/owner concerned. I hereby invite
if owners of these images would be so kind to make them-selves known to me (my
email address may be found on www.ssmaritime.com only), in order that due credit may be given. I
know what it is like, I have seen a multitude of my own photographs on other
sites, yet these individuals either refuse to provide credit or remove them
when asked, knowing full well that there is no legal comeback when it comes to
the net. However, let us show these charlatans up and do the right thing at all
times and give credit where credit is due!
notice covers all pages, although, and I have done my best to ensure that all
photographs are duly credited and that this notice is displaced on each page,
that is, when a page is updated!
is owned and © Copyright by Reuben
Goossens - All Rights Reserved