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With Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian,
Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer & Author
Caribe I
ex T.S.S. Olympia,
Caribe – Later MS Regal Empress

Caribe I was built as the Greek Line TSS
author’s private collection)
Photographs on this page show MS Caribe I in dry-dock for her 1988
refit, which included the removal of a hideous funnel that was fitted in 1983.
It was replaced by a more conventional funnel giving her a pleasing profile
once again.
We thank Michael Goldsby for (most
of) the photographs on this page. Michael worked in the
Casino on the Caribe I as a slot technician in the late 80's. He has also
worked on other ships, including - The Azur, The Victoria, Meridian, Britanis and the Amerikanis.

Caribe I enters dry-dock in 1988 for a refit including the removal of
THAT hiddeous funnel!

This monstrosity was fitted in 1983
© Peter Knego)

A brilliant photograph of her bow whilst in dry-dock

Receiving much needed work

Caribe I seen here with her new funnel. She is now under the management of Commodore Cruise Line.
Note her funnel marking
with the Commodore Cruises flag

A magnificent photograph of Caribe I at anchor
thank Michael
Goldsby for the photographs he
kindly provided
– Note new feature - # 8.
1… TSS Olympia - The only
Greek Trans Atlantic Liner ever to be built. Sold to become the Caribe and Regal
2… Caribe refit photographs
- Photos and story by ex crew
member Michael
3… Photo Album One
4… Photo Album Two - Photos by an Australian passenger, Michael Barnes
5 Deck Plan
6… The ex Save the TSS Olympia Campaign – The History of the Campaign
7… Read the Memorandum of
Agreement - Proof of how Senator Leonidas Raptakis
turned TRAITOR and deserted TSS Olympia!
8… Birth at Sea – The fascinating story of how Jim (Olympios) Bournelis was born mid Atlantic!
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Who is the
Author of ssMaritime?
Commenced in the passenger Shipping Industry
in May 1960
ssMaritime.com & ssMaritime.net
the ships of the past make history & the 1914 built MV Doulos
Also visit my …
“Save The Classic Liners Campaign” & “Classic Ocean Voyages” pages
on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from the author’s
private collection. In addition there are
some images that have been provided by Shipping Companies and private
photographers or collectors. Credit is given to all contributors. However,
there are some photographs provided to me without details regarding the
photographer/owner concerned. I hereby invite if owners of these images would
be so kind to make them-selves known to me (my email address may be found on www.ssmaritime.com only), in order that due
credit may be given. I know what it is like, I have seen a multitude of my own
photographs on other sites, yet these individuals either refuse to provide
credit or remove them when asked, knowing full well that there is no legal
comeback when it comes to the net. However, let us show these charlatans up and
do the right thing at all times and give credit where credit is due!
notice covers all pages, although, and I have done my best to ensure that all
photographs are duly credited and that this notice is displaced on each page,
that is, when a page is updated!
is owned and © Copyright by Reuben
Goossens - All Rights Reserved