Line - MS Fairsea 1949 to 1969
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“Ship of the Month”
With Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian,
Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer & Author
Please Note: All ssMaritime and other related maritime/cruise sites
are 100% non-commercial and privately owned. Be assured that I am NOT
associated with any shipping or cruise companies or any travel/cruise agencies
or any other organisations! Although the author has been in the passenger
shipping industry since 1960, although is now retired but having completed
around 690 Classic Liners and Cargo-Passengers Ships features I
trust these will continue to provide classic ship enthusiasts the information the
are seeking, but above all a great deal of pleasure! Reuben Goossens.
Sitmar Ships

Part Three
Strachan family heads for Australia
on December 7, 1957
By Mr. Ian Strachan - Gisborne, Australia

A fine view of SS
Fairsea in Fremantle (Perth) Australia
Authors private collection
In 1957 the
Australian Government, through its Department of Immigration, started a
campaign known as “Bring out a Briton” or BOAB. The campaign was
primarily aimed at the Australian communities and involved the sponsoring of
Britons to bolster the Australian/British population and in effect helping to
maintain British character within Australia. Local communities or
businesses were encouraged to assist a British family and help them to settle
in Australia
to boost labour force skills, help populate the country and maintain a strong
British presence across the nation. In general terms the overall response to
this campaign was not as popular as previous attempts such as “10 pound Poms”. However, the young Strachan family who
currently lived in Worcester saw this as an
opportunity to start afresh and seek a new lifestyle in Australia.
Late in 1957
favourable enquiries were made with the Immigration Department and the wheels
of bureaucracy were put in motion. On the 13th of November they visited
a medical practitioner to have their smallpox vaccination. The next step was
taken on the 19th November at the Australian Department of
Immigration in Australia House located in London
which issued an Identity Document for the three travellers.
Note: All Photographs below were taken and documents were provided by Mr Ian Strachan. Please do NOT copy any of these as they are PRIVATE
Property, be it for private use or any media source without prior written permission
- See photo notes at the very bottom of this page!

The families Identity Document … Barbara’s
details were on the reverse side
One week after
their vaccinations it was all falling into place.? John Burton of College Gate in Worcester verified the
success of the vaccination and so it was now possible to actually organise the
purchase of a ticket of passage. Issued in London
on the same day, 20th November 1957, was their ticket to travel
Tourist Class on the Sitmar Fairsea departing from Southampton on the 7th
December with the destination being Melbourne,

Outer cover of ticket

Ticket of Passage
As can be seen on
the ticket they were allocated Cabins 116 E & F and 118 D. My father, John,
slept in 118 and my mother and sister slept in cabin 116. Ticket number 185463
was issued to them as tourist class passengers.
The confirmation of
the ticket left them little more than 2 weeks to get all their affairs in order
and precious little time to catch up with family and friends that were spread
out all over the United Kingdom.

John Strachan with daughter in arms and wife,
Olive, prepare to Board Fairsea

A postcard of the SS Fairsea they kept as a
One of the suitcases used as their voyage

Moments on the deck of the Sitmar Lines SS Fairsea
Two days into their
journey they were relaxing on the ship having put behind them the rush of
getting all their affairs in place to make this migration. They now looked
forward to the start of a new life in a country that they knew very little of
except for written articles and perhaps the odd bit of footage seen on the
south-southwest from Southampton the Fairsea passed down the western coast of
mainland Europe reaching Cape Vincent,
Portugal, as seen in the
photo below. Here the vessel turned eastward to make its approach into the Mediterranean Sea.

As the end of the first week approached the
Fairsea had made its way past Gibraltar and along the shores of North Africa to
Port Said in Egypt.

The photos above show Egyptian Traders
approaching the side of the Fairsea to encourage passengers to purchase
vegetables, bottled drinks, cheeses, hats, shoes, cushions
and a variety of other goods.

Said, Egypt
At Port Said the ship would refuel and take on
supplies in preparation for the next part of the journey. Port
Said lay at the northern end of the Suez Canal.
The Suez had
only recently in April 1957 been reopened to water traffic after recent
hostilities in the region. The Egyptians with the assistance of the United
Nations cleared the waterway of sunken ships and also repaired damaged parts of
the canal. The Fairsea would soon depart in a gingerly fashion for the next
163km along the Suez
where in parts it would narrow to 300 meters. A slow speed was required so
minimal damage to the banks of the canal would occur. Captain Stagnafo would also have to manoeuvre into one of two
passing stations when there were northerly vessels wishing to pass. This
journey could have taken as long as 16 hours. The passengers probably reflected
on this part of the journey in amazement as they apparently glided over the
sands of the Middle East.
Oil Wells near Aden
A further week had
passed after their arrival in Port Said when
they were within sight of oil wells near Aden
in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen on the 21st
The excitement must
have been building on the ship as Christmas was fast approaching and one
present was given to all on board the Fairsea. On the 25th December
1957 the vessel crossed the Equatorial Line. A special ceremony was conducted
to celebrate the occasion as they sailed on the Indian Ocean south-southwest of

The ‘Crossing the Equator’ ceremony
in progress

A certificate was given to commemorate the
There were parts of
the voyage when the seas became quite rough and a large number of passengers
became sea sick. My father had gained his sea legs many years before and so he
was not fazed by the constant rolling and lurching of the Fairsea as it made
headway to Australia.

My sister and father share a moment on the ships

My sister and mother overlooking the pool area
on Fairsea

Chalk boards for entertainment on the deck.
After celebrating
the crossing of the Equator on the high seas it would take another ten days
before they had something else to rejoice about… sighting Australia. On the
4th January 1958 they arrived at the docks of Fremantle in Western Australia, the ships first port of call in Australia. Here
they would have their documents processed and be formerly welcomed as new
immigrants to Australia.
The documents of the Fairsea would also need to be processed and hence the
Captain would need to verify the names of the passengers and what their purpose
in Australia
would be.
The ships documents
indicate that the Fairsea was registered in Rome under the Steam-ship Company of Sitmar
and Captained by A. Stagnafo. Its Gross tonnage was
13437.67 and Net tonnage of 7783.11. It was sailing from Southampton,
England, to Sydney,
Australia, and estimated its
arrival in Sydney
on the 11th January 1958.

Above is the first page of the passenger list
showing details of the Fairsea
The Strachan family
were identified on the Passenger List of the Sitmar as nos. 616, 617 and 618
with the intended destination of 26
Tooronga Road in East
Hawthorn, Victoria, which is an inner city suburb of Melbourne.

The above extract of the passenger list shows
the Strachan family
There would not be much
of a reprieve in Fremantle as once again they would set sail heading for Melbourne, Victoria on
the eastern side of Australia.
They were in dock long enough for Olive’s Uncle Frederick and wife Lal, who lived in Perth,
to meet them. Frederick had immigrated to Australia in
1922. Onboard again the ship travelled down the coast and? would round the south western tip of
Australia passing Albany then through the Great Australian Bight eventually
entering Bass Strait which lay between the states of Victoria and Tasmania.

Sharing a meal in the dining room of the Fairsea
on 7th January 1958
Once south of Melbourne the ship would enter the narrow stretch of
water, known as The Rip, through which they entered Port
Phillip Bay. The Fairsea would have then hugged the eastern side
of the bay passing Sorrento
and St Kilda before reaching Port Melbourne on the 9th January 1958.
The family had finally made it to their ultimate destination, Melbourne. Initially they stayed in East
Hawthorn but over time would move within several of the suburbs of Melbourne. Here they were
accepted by the various communities and clubs that they became involved with
and happily saw out the rest of their days in this land of opportunity.
Whoever provided
sponsorship for the Strachan family to come to Australia is uncertain at this
time. However there are two possibilities that come to the fore. My father,
John, was virtually employed straight away by a Victorian retailer of the time,
Paynes Bon Marche.
Here he took a position in their Television Sales and Repairs Department. Also,
in October 1957 the Western Hawthorn Presbyterian Church in Victoria started their own
sponsorship scheme within the “Bring out a Briton” campaign. The
church community subsequently bought a home to house an immigrant family that
they assisted until the family found alternate accommodation. The Strachan
family on the Passenger List inventory cited their new address as 26 Tooronga Road,
East Hawthorn.?
Whether this is a coincidence or not is yet to be confirmed. Either the
Church group or Payne Bon Marche
may have played a role in providing that assisted passage that the Strachan
family sought.
Written by Ian Strachan - Gisborne,
The Fairsea (1) - INDEX:
Fairsea (1)????? Built as a C3 class freighter History Page.
Fairsea?????????? Photo Page.
Fairsea?????????? Menus
page sent in by John Scholten.
Fairsea ????????? Deck
Fairsea ????????? The
Strachan family head to Melbourne in December 1957 - this Page.
Fairsea?????????? Rob Barker & Family also
sails to Melbourne
in December 1957.
Return to: The Sitmar Ships - INDEX - For all
the Other Sitmar Ships!
Water Liners sailing to the distant shores.
I watched them come, I watched them go and I watched them die.”
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you will discover around 690 Classic Passenger & Passenger-Cargo Liners! &
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Photographs on ssmaritime and associate pages are by the
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notice covers all pages,
although, and I have done my best to ensure that all photographs are duly
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is owned & ? Copyright by Reuben Goossens - All Rights Reserved