Reuben Goossens
SS Southern
Calypso, Azure
Seas, OceanBreeze

An early Shaw Savill postcard
This 21-page feature on the Southern Cross/OceanBreeze, came about
due to the Australian campaign to save her in 2003/2004. However, most readers
will now be aware that this great passenger liner and cruise ship, has been
lost to a sad Chittagong beach in Bangladesh and
has now been broken up. However, I trust that these pages will provide you with
many happy memories!
In order to
assist you locating the required topic or photo album in this work, below is
another index. Each page has a link at the bottom of the page to return to this
index as well as one to the next page.

Reuben Goossens
Maritime Historian
Founder of “Save the Classic Liner” campaign – (Retired December 2007)
Part One - History
Part 1… Southern Cross (on this page)
Part 2… Calypso (on this page)
Part 3… Azure Seas (on this page)
Part 4… OceanBreeze (This and all others, on new pages)
Part Two - Photo Pages
Page 1… Southern Cross page 1
Page 2… Southern Cross page 2
Page 3… Calypso / Azure Seas
Page 4… OceanBreeze page 1
Page 5… OceanBreeze page 2
Page 6… OceanBreeze Page 3
Part Three - Various
1… OceanBreeze Deck Plan
2… Specifications
3… Photographs - OceanBreeze
being scrapped
4… “Southern
Cross a Fallen Star”
*For note on photographs see notice on bottom of page
Part One - Shaw Savill’s Southern
After World War II ended, thousands in
the United Kingdom were seeking
to build a new life, and many decided to emigrate to New
Zealand and Australia. At the time, to reach Australia and New Zealand, one would have to
undertake sea journey.
Shaw Savill was one of the leading
British shipping lines at the time, and it was decided to build a new passenger
ship. Shaw Savill’s chairman Mr. Basil Sanderson envisaged that this
liner would be an all passenger ship, with holds for general cargo, and he
implored ship designers to create a ship having her engines aft, providing passengers
with additional deck space. The company had great doubts of the design, and
eventually on June
16, 1952, it was decided to build this innovative liner. Not having
been named yet, she would be referred to as “Ship Number 1498.” Her
Estimated cost would be 3,546,000 pounds, and the contract to build her was
given to Harland and Wolff of Belfast.
As she was purpose built to operate on
the Australian, New Zealand
service, a name was chosen befitting her destination, Southern Cross, being the
constellation used by Australia
and New Zealand
on their National flags.
HRH Queen Elizabeth II launched the Southern Cross on 17 August 1954,
being an historic event, as the Southern Cross was the first merchant ship to
be launched by a reigning Monarch. After her trials, the Southern Cross proudly
departed on her Maiden Voyage on March 29,

HRH Queen Elizabeth II
launching the Southern Cross
At the time, she had a number of new design
features, beside her engines being located aft. Upon first appearance, her
superbly curved round bow stood out, giving her long sleek lines. She had been
given a traditional cruiser stern. Her bridge was located amidships in a tower
like design, adding to her streamlined appearance.

Bedecked with flags, Southern Cross looks
The Southern
Cross featured air-conditioning to all passenger accommodation and public
spaces. Her eight passengers decks were, Sports, Sun, Lounge, Promenade, Main, Restaurant, A and B decks. Accommodations were
located on six decks, with cabins ranging from single caning to six berth

SS Southern Cross seen in
Wellington New Zealand in 1963
Photographer unknown
Sun deck was
the venue for the children's recreation room and play area including an infant
play room and deck. Down on Lounge deck, from forward to aft, was the Forward
Lounge, the Smoke Room, Cinema lounge, the Tavern, Writing Room, and the
Library. Her two Restaurants, had seating for 390 in the forward Restaurant,
and 192 aft. Her Galley’s were located between the Restaurants.

Forward Lounge
private collection
Southern Cross also had two swimming
pools, both having dressing rooms. One being Sun deck, the other being the
larger of the two was indoors, being very popular whilst the ship was still in
the cooler northern hemisphere. She also had something that is missing on many
ships today, open decks along both sides of the ship. These were on Sun (Boat
Deck), Lounge, and Promenade decks.

Southern Cross seen departing from Sydney
private collection
She proudly continued on the Australian /
New Zealand
service bringing multitudes of immigrants to their new home, to start a new life
Downunder. Then came the arrival of the
“Jumbo Jet” 747, which changed the history of sea travel forever,
as passenger loads rapidly declined, Shaw Savill decided that the Southern
Cross would undertake short cruise programs between her world voyages. In May
1970, she was extensively overhauled and refurbished making her suitable for
cruise duties. She first cruised out of Southampton for several months, after
which she sailed for Sydney,
and commenced cruising the South Pacific. After returning to Southampton,
in May 1971, she cruised for another two and a half months. However, most cruises suffered from low
loadings and proved to be unprofitable. She departed Southampton in August 1971
for her last voyage around the world, returning to Southampton
in November, where she was laid up. April 1972 she was relocated to the River
Fal where she was berthed astern of Cunard’s Carmania, ex Saxonia, and Franconia, ex Ivernia. Southern Cross remained on the
market until January 1973, when a buyer was found.

With her striking silhouette she could not be
for any other ship, until the Northern Star came along
private collection

Three fine Liners in Gibraltar
Right: Southern Cross – Left Front:
Ellinis – Left Back: Orcades
private collection

A fine stern view of the Southern Cross at Southampton around 1965
Clive Trusson of the United Kingdom wrote: “My parents, who are
now in their late Seventies have always talked with fondness of the SS Southern
Cross, having sailed on her to return from New
Zealand to England in the late 1950's. I
recently converted some 35mm slides for them from their time in New Zealand and amongst these photos are some
showing the ship sailing from Wellington
and which I think they will complement the collection of photos of the Southern
Cross that you have put together.
I have taken the liberty of printing
off your pages to show them. I'm sure that they will be very sad to learn
of her fate, such that I will wait until I visit them next month to give them
the pages rather than break the news over the phone!”
Photographs provided by Clive Trusson of his parents voyage on the
Southern Cross

A fine view looking
forward over her bow

The Trusson family on
the SS Southern Cross
The ever popular
swimming pool

Mrs Trusson on the bridge
housing, looking aft
photographs were provided by Clive Trusson
Part Two – Calypso

(Photographed by Mr. Arthur
January 1973,
Southern Cross was sold for half a million UK pounds to, Cia de Vap Cerulea
SA, Ithaka for Ulysses Cruise Line. She departed the UK in March with her bow revealing
her new name, Calypso. She headed for Piraeus
where she received a lengthy refit being converted for her new role as a full
time cruise ship. Ulysses Cruises spent US$10 million to complete the
comprehensive refit. With the SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) regulations being
in affect, all her fine wood panelling had to be stripped for fire safety
reasons, which was replaced with fireproof plastics and chrome. This proved to
be a massive task that took almost two years to complete. When Calypso’s
refit was finally complete, her décor had become somewhat bland, even though, a
minimalist colour scheme was used in public areas. All cabins and suites were
redecorated, and fitted with private facilities throughout. The layout of the
public rooms remained as built, only the magnificent indoor pool, was removed
and replaced by a Disco. Upon completion, she was classified as being 16,500 GRT, accommodating 950 passengers.
commenced her full-time cruise duties April 1975, cruising mostly throughout
the Mediterranean. During 1978, she headed for
South America where she operated a short cruise season, returning to Piraeus February 1979.
Then on 16 December that year, she departed Greece
for Miami, from where she operated seven night
cruises around the Caribbean. Then one year
later, having been renamed Calypso I, she transited the Panama Canal and
commenced cruising from Los Angeles and San Francisco, including a season of
seven-night cruises to Alaska, concluded in September. On September 29, 1980, Calypso
was sold to the Western Cruise Line, a subsidiary of Eastern Steamship Lines
Inc of Panama.
Part 3
- Azure

Official postcard of
the Azure
private collection
Western Cruise Line / Eastern Steamship
Lines Inc, part of the Gotaas-Larsen Group of Shipping companies, renamed the
ship Azure
Seas. She departed on her first cruise
for the new company in November, commencing cruises from Los
Angeles to Ensenada
Mexico. SO successful did
she prove to be, she continued cruising to Mexico for until 1986, when
Sundance Cruises, and Eastern and Western Cruise Lines amalgamated, forming a
new company, Admiral Cruises. Thereafter, the Azure
Seas continued her short Mexico
circuits, which saw her popularity grow, and she became known as the
“Party Ship.” Later she returned to Ft Lauderdale and commenced
cruise duties to the Bahamas
for the five years.
Return to Southern Cross/OceanBreeze INDEX
page … OceanBreeze
The following are all my Shaw Savill features on
SS Athenic Class Ships – These three
fine liners built in 1902/03
Dominion Monarch – Shaw Savill’s Grandest Dame ever built!
SS Corinthic Class Liners – Four fine ships built in 1947/48.
4… SS Southern Cross
– And
this 23 webpage feature
on a revolutionary passenger liner!
Use the Back button on your browser or Close the
Page to return to the previous page
or go to our INDEX
Who is the Author of ssMaritime?
in the passenger Shipping Industry in May 1960 &
the ships of the past make history & the 1914 built MV Doulos Story
visit my …
“Save The Classic Liners
Campaign” & “Classic Ocean Voyages” pages
Photographs on
ssmaritime and associate pages are by the author or from the author’s
private collection. In
addition there are some images that have been provided by Shipping Companies
and private photographers or collectors. Credit is given to all contributors.
However, there are some photographs provided to me without details regarding
the photographer/owner concerned. I hereby invite if owners of these images
would be so kind to make them-selves known to me (my email address may be found
only), in order that due credit may be given. I know what it is like, I have
seen a multitude of my own photographs on other sites, yet these individuals
either refuse to provide credit or remove them when asked, knowing full well
that there is no legal comeback when it comes to the net. However, let us show
these charlatans up and do the right thing at all times and give credit where
credit is due!
This notice covers all pages,
although, and I have done my best to ensure that all photographs are duly
credited and that this notice is displaced on each page, that is, when a page
is updated!
is owned and © Copyright 2010/12 - by Reuben Goossens - All Rights Reserved